Twelve Months of Henry: One Fast Year!
My quick little dude,
Happy birthday!!! What a year!! This time last year, we didn’t know about you, but I’m so thankful that this year, we do! And we are going to celebrate so big!! Today, we’re going to play in the water because it’s your favorite, and then we are going to snuggle and play all day! My feelings have been bouncing all over the place the last few weeks, but the overarching feeling is gratitude. I get to love you, and I get to spend every single day with you. I’ll never be over getting to be the one that rocks you to sleep or catch you in one of those belly laughs. I was there for the first time you crawled, and I’ll be there when you start kindergarten and every grade after that. I get to watch you run around the yard with Sully and Eloise, and one day, you’ll drive me around town when you get your license. Lord willing, I’ll watch you experience life with a front seat view, and I’m ready!
This year flew by, probably quicker than any other! It was somehow the most life changing and the easiest at the same time, but maybe because that’s because my skin has gotten thicker in this process. Regardless of what makes it fly, I’m beyond thankful I was there.
One day, I’ll get to explain just what all this year held, and I pray that in all of it, you’ll see how many people love you, how much you were cared for, and that it’s okay if life isn’t black and white. I pray you’ll see God’s hand on everyone and that at the end of it, you’ll feel love.
I love you bigger than the whole sky, Man Man. Now let's go eat some cake.
An official crawler, you are! I knew you were going to soon, but it’s like you just decided to out of nowhere! We call you ‘robot puppy’ because when you have your jammies on, you only crawl robotically to avoid falling. Now, you can get wherever you want, and it’s adorable!
You are a master of “all done” at the table, and you really understand so much of what we’re saying. You understand that you aren’t supposed to play with the plug (though you choose to make it a game), and you love to engage in peek-a-boo. You also went from a couple of teeth to seven and half in just a week or so! It makes you look like such a kid.
Happy to report that nothing has changed! Every once in a while, you’ll boycott your second nap. On those days, your night starts at 5:30 pm but you always sleep until at least six the next morning, so we make it work.
You did it! You had 100 new foods before your birthday. This is something we did with Sully and Eloise with Baby Led Weaning, and I knew I wanted to give you the same opportunity too. Your favorite foods are any type of meat and green peas. As far as milk goes, you are slowly fading out bottles. You snack on them more than finish one at a time except right before a nap or bed time. I’m hoping to transition to whole milk soon and then out of bottles altogether over the next couple of months.
Favorite Moments:
-Summer: I decided that once school was out, we were going to have a full 90’s summer: popsicles, kiddie pool, classic Disney movies, and a present mom who leaves her phone on the counter during the day. I’ve given myself permission to let the TV stay on, let the popsicles be a snack, and to not stress about the days’ activities. It was only officially summer as of yesterday, but the temps didn’t get that memo, so we’ve been balancing outside time with playroom time. The water is where you love to be, but you’re unsure about the grass. You could swing all day though! In the playroom, you love to swing and climb in and out of the Nugget tunnels.
-House Updates: I honestly didn’t expect this to be a favorite, but alas! We’re adding on to the house, and because of that, everyone and everything is displaced. The big kids have been out of their room since the middle of May and are sleeping in the guest room, so all of their things are in the living room. Because of that, I feel like everyone is playing better independently. It’s an absolute disaster and a constant trip hazard, but y’all love it. I also have enjoyed the construction because it’s really gotten you used to sleeping anywhere. Some days, you have to take a Pack n Play nap in our room because of the noise, and some times, you even have to start the night there before we transfer you. It’s nice to see how flexible you are.
-Touch a Truck: our family goes to Touch a Truck every year, and it was fun to bring you along, too! We put the ears on you, and you didn’t seem the least bit affected. It was funny to me because you literally never fall asleep randomly in our arms, but you fell asleep on Dad’s shoulder at the loudest event in town.
The fastest, happiest, holiest year of my life, and it is all because of you, sweet boy.