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Three Months of Henry

My tough guy,

In the hospital, your nickname was Rocky because you were small but had these giant hands. You looked like a boxer! You’ve grown into them a bit but you’re still the toughest guy we know. I’m praying those fighter hands will be used for good-that you’ll find a hobby that allows you to use them to make something, that you’ll use them to help other people, that you’ll use them to hug and love.



Dad keeps laughing at me because I keep saying how it’s crazy you’re fitting in three month clothes. He has to remind me that you are, in fact, three months old. It’s just been so quick that I can’t keep up! You are such a long guy, so all of your 0-3 month size pull at your collar area. You still have the chubbiest cheeks, but for the most part, you are a lean guy. This month, you’ve really started lifting your head and you track sounds and faces with both your eyes and head. The giggles are literally all we live for! They are THE sweetest sounds ever!


My dude! You know what is up with the sleep world! You have slept through the night 5 times and other than that, you only get up once. Dad and I trade off so we are so much more rested at this point with you than we were with your brother and sister. For naps, I’ve been trying to put you in your room for the first one just to get you used to it. The struggle I have with that is that Sully and Eloise often barrel into your room while I’m rocking you or laying you down, and that resets the process. The majority of your naps start in the ergo carrier, and if it’s relatively quiet in the house, I set you on your cozy corner spot on the couch and you stay asleep until I wake you up. As much as I’d love to get stuff done with all three of y’all are resting at the same time, I really don’t mind hanging onto you because you’re the snuggliest and sweetest.


You still take four ounces every three-ish hours in the day. At night, I’ve been fixing you a five ounce since you sleep so many hours straight.



-face to face time where we talk to you closely. You smile and giggle so big!

-ceiling fans

-chair naps on Dad


-being away from the action

Favorite Moments:

-church: we’ve found a new church home, and for the first couple of times, I kept you in the carrier in “big church.” It’s always the sweetest feeling singing songs about how great God is while holding our biggest gift from Him.

-the weather: for the most part, you’ve spent most of the summer inside. It’s just felt too hot to have you out there but now that it’s cooler, we’re spending much more time on the back porch. We’ve had smore nights and outside picnics and tag after dinner, and I love that you are a part of that now.


Just like Rocky, I often look at you and think “Yo, Henry! We did it!” It’s just the beginning but what a movie this life is!




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