Nine Months of Henry
My tiny wizard,
The boy who lived. The chosen one. Harry Potter-Henry Parker. You are brave and curious and friendly just like that Harry. Everywhere we go, people comment on how cute and sweet you are, and you are loved by everyone that meets you! I know all parents say it about all of their kids, but there is something really special about you, sweet boy. You have changed my life in the nine small months you’ve been here, and I’m forever grateful to you. But with that, I don’t ever want you to feel like Harry Potter in the sense that the entire weight of someone’s world rests on your shoulders. You are special because you are you and the way God made you; not because you miraculously entered our lives and changed them for the better. The entire muggle world will never rest on your shoulders. I think we’ll all make a great team like everyone in Harry Potter; you won’t have to go at it alone. We'll manage that mischief together!
So far, you’ve tried 30 different foods! You are really getting the hang of getting it to your mouth. So far, you love green beans, broccoli, and nectarines. We love having you at the table! For milk, you have gotten where you won’t finish a bottle at one sitting and instead snack on it over an hour or so. It’s not my favorite habit of yours, but maybe it’s just a phase.
You are in nine month clothes because of your length, but they are a little baggy on you. You haven’t had an official appointment for a check up, but we’ll see later this month how much you weigh and how long you are. You are so close to getting your first tooth! You’ve been teething for months and months, but finally I can feel it about to break through on the bottom. For new skills, you are really starting to show preferences on what you like to play with, and you are getting good at protesting if we leave the room for a second. You are still only rolling one way, but you are getting your foot under you for leverage, so I think you’ll get the hang of rolling back over soon.
We went on a family vacation this month, and we discovered how much you don’t love the pack n play. You slept terribly the entire time! Part of it was because your nap schedule was off, but those 3 nights were rough! Your naps are consistent on your wake windows. Some of them last 2 hours where I have to wake you up, but some are still really short at 20 minutes or so. We’re working with my friend to slowly sleep train you so that you are sleeping nights and your naps are on a schedule. I love rocking you, but Mom could really use the extra rest. I’m a really light sleeper, so even if it’s not my night to feed you, I’m awake anyway.
Favorite Moments:
-Vacation: For Sully’s spring break, we took the short drive up the road to Atlanta. We did it all! Ikea, the zoo, the aquarium, World of Coke, King Tut exhibit, Lego Discovery Center, and Fernbank. We had so much fun taking you all around and seeing it through your eyes. I wore you in the carrier a lot, and it was really sweet snuggling you so much!
-Outside time: For the longest time, you did not love to be outside. You fussed and your eyes would water, so we mostly kept you inside. Now that the time has changed, we decided to try again because Sully and Eloise love outside so much. We’ve been giving you sunglasses and a hat, and it’s made all the difference. We also put the baby swing back up, and you love it!
Don’t let the muggles get you down, dear boy!