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Daily Routine Cards: Free Printable

Back to school! We are sad about summer ending but looking forward to the routine that comes with school days. Because Sully doesn't go to school every day, we needed a visual of what each day would entail so that he knew what was coming up. He's very much like his mom and likes to know what's coming up next, so these cards really work for us. He's able to see what activity or chore is next, and that makes our day a little smoother.

I printed these on card stock and laminated, and then I added magnets to the back using magnetic tape. We used to have a small magnetic board above his little play area (which used to be decorated for Halloween for almost two months. Oops), but that area has since morphed into a cabinet and other decorations. Now we use the fridge, but he likes seeing what is coming next.

If you'd like to download a set, you can click here:

I hope everyone has a fun and smooth back to school!

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